At first glance the product is good but see how in time it performs. I do appreciate it is American made and not an Asian replica.
Arrived in 4 days. Came with complete instructions, and wiring diagram. This upgraded board has a LED fault code to let you know what is wrong. Took me about 40 minutes to install. Also made in USA.
I recently purchased a replacement control board HH84AA016 for my Payne furnace which had a failed gas valve relay. I'm an engineer and was a bit skeptical because of the low price and assumed it was foreign-sourced. Decided to order anyway and give it a try. Received the board kit promptly via USPS. Kit included the board, detailed installation and check out instructions, a wiring diagram and LED decoder sticker to affix to the furnace. This is an excellent product and a great value. I really appreciate the thoughtful way this board is designed, built and supported with technical documentation - all from the USA. LED diagnostics are a significant advantage vs. the original. Installation and checkout went very smoothly and was completed in 1 hour. All existing wires were direct plug in to well marked locations. Board functions just like the original. I have had no problems and would highly recommend this product.